
Brightee Fernando

Brightee Fernando

Internal Verifier

Faculty of Engineering and Construction


Brightee has been working at ICBT since 2018 lecturing in the field of Engineering.  After completing her degree in Civil and Structural Engineering. She worked in the Civil Engineering sector and was employed for about one year before joining ICBT. Brightee is currently the internal verifier and has taught on a number of undergraduate modules at ICBT in various programmes. She is currently teaching following modules, HD in civil Engineering:
  • Learning Skills
  • Geology and Soil Mechanics
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Civil Engineering Structures and Design
  • Individual Student project
HD in Electrical, Automobile and Bio Medical Engineering
  • Engineering Mathematics
Professional Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Advance mathematics
  • Structural Analysis and Design
  • Geotechnics
  • Individual Research Project
BSc in Civil Engineering
  • Advanced Geotechnical Design
Brightee is also a member of the ICE. Within ICBT, Brightee is a member of the literature club. Brightee’s research interests are in the field of Geotechnics and material engineering.


Full text articles:

~ Fernando.B., (2020) Thermal Performances of Façade Claddings of Commercial Buildings in Sri Lanka, Annual International Symposium ‘20, ISSN 2659-2006


~ Dushyantha. G, Fernando. B, (2020) Evaluation of Hana Fiber reinforced concrete, Annual International Symposium ‘20 (on reviewing)



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