By Wickrama Arachchilage Dona Sachini Anushika Wickramaarachchi
Social networking is now considered to be an essential need for human existence. Numerous scholars have concentrated their attention on social media due to its constant expansion, popularity, use, and demand. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Because they are individualized and economical advertising platforms, social media is the current trend in this area. Facebook is the social media network that is most often utilized, according to data. In order to better understand how customers feel about social media advertising, a survey was done. Numerous studies from various nations and contexts have concentrated on this subject and there a number of crucial factors that affect how consumers feel about advertising. Among such characteristics, this study concentrated on five crucial features as the factors affecting consumer attitudes toward social media advertising. The five criteria are amusement, informational value, annoyance, credibility, and interaction. This study was carried out using a quantitative research methodology. In order to gather primary data, the researcher employed self-administered questionnaires. 308 questionnaires have been gathered in total. A multiple linear regression analysis was done to investigate the impact of each element, and in addition, a correlation analysis was utilized to assess the link between the independent variables and the dependent variable. According to the research, consumer attitudes towards social media advertising in in ABC bank credit card are significantly positively correlated with entertainment, informativeness, credibility, and interaction, while negatively correlated with irritation. Additionally, it has been shown that the consumer attitudes towards advertising in ABC bank credit cards are favorably impacted by entertainment, informativeness, credibility, and interaction, while adversely impacted by irritation. The immediate beneficiaries of the study, according to the researcher, are marketers and advertisers who use Social media advertising. Additionally, the study has identified several limits and offered guidance to upcoming researchers to produce a successful and trustworthy outcome.
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