Category event


25 Apr

Skills and Thrills: Virtual Talent Hunt organized by ICBT Campus

Are you a musician or a singer? Perhaps a dancer? Why not virtually showcase your talent through an online platform with no cost? ICBT Campus has given the opportunity for talented individuals all over the country to exhibit their talents to the world through the support of “Skills N Thrills” event organized by ICBT Campus. […]

5 Oct

ICBT Campus Gampaha-Grand Opening

International College for Business & Technology (ICBT), the leading tertiary education provider in Sri Lanka with the largest number of students in the private sector higher education industry opened their 08th branch on 29th September 2020 in one of the main educational hubs in Sri Lanka

6 Dec

ICBT Campus Higher Diploma Convocation 2019

ICBT Campus in the first amongst a series of Graduations for 2019 held its Convocation for Higher National Diploma and Higher Diploma on the 14th of November at the BMICH. Over 800 students received their Diplomas at the ceremony. Ms. Jane Levy Senior Lecturer from Cardiff Metropolitan University was in attendance and gave away the […]

16 Oct

ICBT Kalaivizha 2019

ICBT Kalaivizha 2019 hosted by ICBT Staff and Students was held on 11th October at ICBT Auditorium. Kalavizha was held following nine days of religious activities honoring three goddesses, Goddess Durga for power, Goddess Luxmy for wealth and Goddess Sarasvati for wisdom & Knowledge. Kalaivizha was celebrated with Pooja and was followed up by Tamil […]

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