
Harshani Chathurika

Harshani Chathurika

Lecturer - Grade II

Faculty of Business Management


Chathurika  has been working at ICBT since 2017 lecturing in the field of Management. After completing her degree in BSc in Business Administration(Business Economics) Special (USJP) she worked as a lecturer at ICBT Kandy campus.


Chathurika  is currently the Lecturer-Grade 2 and has taught on a number of Undergraduate modules at ICBT in various programmes.  She is currently teaching modules such as Business Economics, Financial Management, Accounting and Costing, Finance for Managers, Finance for Entrepreneurs and Business in Action. Chathurika’s research interests are in the field of Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management.



~ Amunugama S, Chathurika H, The impact of interest changes for the profitability of Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka, Extended Abstract, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 18), 4th December 2018, Colombo, ISSN 2659-2061, pp 14- 17


~ Dias K, Chathurika H, Samarakoon, HKGND, Factors Affecting Lapsation of Life Insurance Policies in Kandy, Extended Abstract, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 18), 4th December 2018, Colombo, ISSN 2659-2061, pp 18- 22



Call: (+94) 715 632934

Email: chathurika@icbtcampus.edu.lk

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