
Impacts of acquisition on employee motivation

Impacts of acquisition on employee motivation: A study Yasith Buddhika Alwisudy of ABC Group

By Yasith Buddhika Alwis

Date: 2022
Supervisor: Chris Kariyawasam


The topic “Impacts of acquisition on employee motivation: A study of ABC Group” was selected for the study to understand how an acquisition process impacts the employee motivation level. As ABC Group recently completed the acquisition of XYZ company which had a larger workforce, the outcomes of the acquisition could not be measured in the traditional aspects as it was the employees of the acquiring company who had to face more changes and challenges as a result of the corporate action. 4 objectives were selected for the study to understand the dilemma that employees undergo during and after the acquisition process, to identify if the observed independent variables have a relationship with employee motivation, to find solutions for the dilemma faced by employees and to theorize recommendations based on the solutions and suggestions provided in objective 03. The questionnaire was prepared to contain Likert scale questions and open-ended questions and 100 responses were received which then were used in the SPSS tool to derive the hypothesis. After statistical analysis it was observed that all of the independent variables had a high positive relationship with employee motivation hence accepting all 3 the alternative hypotheses of the study. As the study was focussed on identifying how employees of ABC Group were affected by the acquisition process, a comprehensive discussion about the results have been made along with limitations and areas of development for future research. The conclusion summarizes the overall study and how research objectives were accomplished during the analysis of results.

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