
Kelum Wickramarachchi

Kelum Wickramarachchi

Module Leader and Internal Verifier

Faculty of Information Technology


Kelum has been working at ICBT since 2021 lecturing in the field of IT.  After completing his degree in Computing and information Systems he worked in the ICT sector and was employed for about 17 years before joining ICBT.  

Kelum is currently the module leader and internal verifier of many related subject modules and has taught on a number of undergraduate and higher diploma modules at ICBT in various programmes.  He is currently teaching

  • Computer Networks
  • Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Security
  • Cyber Security Tools and Applications
  • Enterprise Network Routing
  • Computing Project

Kelum is also a Member of the Australian Computer Society and EC Council. Kelum’s  research interests are in the field of information security and Digital Forensics
He is currently undertaking a Cisco certification.​​



Full text articles

~ Wickramarachchi, A K. “A Study on Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)With an Advanced Semi Automated Anti – Apt Model for Highly Secured Critical Infrastructures, Thesis of Master of Science in Network and Information Security – February 2018 (published in LinkedIn)


~ de Alwis, S S., Wickramarachchi A K. “The Cloud and Remote Agent Based Framework on Code Auditing and Reporting”. – 2016 (published in LinkedIn)



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