
Niluka Samarakoon

Niluka Samarakoon

Module Leader

Faculty of Business Management


Niluka has been working at ICBT since 2011 lecturing in the field of management. After completing her degree in Industrial Management & Statistics she worked in the apparel and construction sector and was employed for about one and half years before joining ICBT.  

Niluka is currently the module leader of Operations Management module and internal verifier of Statistics for Business and Managing People modules and has taught on a number of undergraduate modules at ICBT in various programmes.  She is currently teaching Operations Management, Statistics for Business and Managing People. Within ICBT, Niluka is a member of the research committee.  Niluka’s research interests are in the fields of Human Resource Management, Operations Management.


Full text articles

~ Thotawatta, P.L. and Samarakoon, K.G.N.D., 2021. Factors Affecting Private Sector Bankers’ Job Satisfaction in Sri Lanka: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Business Management- 2020, [e-journal] vol 17, 1868-1889 https://doi.org/10.31357/icbm.v17.5238


~ Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D. and Sylva K.K.K., 2018. Work-Life Balance of Female Lecturers of Private Higher Education Sector, Sri Lanka: A Literature Review. HRM Perspectives Journal (HRMPJ). Institute of Personnel Management (IPM), Sri Lanka, 2018 January Volume



~ Vijeyakumaran, R., Farah, F.B., Rathnayake, N.S., Gunasiri, M.M.N.D.M., Bandara, B.M.P.M.I., Ruwanpathiranage, N.R., Samarakoon, H.G.N.D. and Kathriarachchi, K.A.D.S.K., 2021. Knowledge and awareness towards COVID-19 among Sri Lankan social media users. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, [e-journal] 11, pp.S3:17. http://doi.org/10.4038/sljid.v11i0.8454


~ Ohlmus R.A. and Samarakoon H.K.G.N.D., 2021. Absenteeism among Female Tea Pluckers in Sri Lanka: A Qualitative Study. In: International College of Business and Technology, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 20), 18th February 2021, ISSN 2659-2061


~ Kalupahana L.S.S. and Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D., 2019. Relationship of rewards and employee’s motivation: a case study of a Sri Lankan non-government organization. In: International College of Business and Technology, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 19), Colombo, 3rd December 2019, ISSN 2659-2061, pp 65-72


~ Dharmasena, D. and Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D., 2019. Work Life Balance of Bankers: a case study of Bank of Ceylon super grade branch Kandy. In: Faculty of Management, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya University International Management Research Sessions 2019, University of Peradeniya


~ Eriyagama, K. and Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D., 2018. Impact of the Usage of Green Practices on the Green Corporate Image of Apparel Industry, Sri Lanka. In: International College of Business and Technology, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 18), Colombo, 4th December 2018, ISSN 2659-2061, pp 03- 07


~ Dias, K., Chathurika, H. and Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D., 2018. Factors Affecting Lapsation of Life Insurance Policies in Kandy. In: International College of Business and Technology, Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS’ 18), Colombo, 4th December 2018, ISSN 2659-2061, pp 18- 22


~ Ragawan A. and Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D., 2018. Factors affecting employee job satisfaction in Sri Lankan insurance sector with reference to Janashakthi Insurance PLC- Kandy. In: Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, The tenth Applied Science, Business and Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES), Kuliyapitiya, 13th June 2018, pp 48– 49.


~ Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D. and Sylva K.K.K., 2017. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance of Female Lectures Associated with Private Higher Education Institutions in Kandy. In: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, The 6th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Kandy, 3rd, 4th, 5th May 2017


~ Samarakoon, H.K.G.N.D. and Deegahawature, M.M.D.R., 2010. A Comprehensive Study on Short and Delay Shipments; A Study on Sri Lankan Apparel Industry. In: Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Extended Abstract, The Second Applied Science, Business and Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES), Kuliyapitiya, 20th May 2010, pp 74 – 79.


Organizing Conferences

~ Member of technical committee, Annual international research symposium, Organized by International College of Business and Technology, Since 2018


~ Member of Fund Raising Committee: 2nd Applied Science, Business & Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES), faculty of applied sciences, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 2010



Call: (+94) 814 777 888 / Ext: 2010

Email: niluka@icbtcampus.edu.lk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niluka-samarakoon-a713a59b/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Niluka-Samarakoon

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