
Prabu Premkumar

Prabu Premkumar

Head of Information Technology and Science Faculty

Faculty of IT and Sciences


Prabu has been working at ICBT since 2005 lecturing in the field of Information Technology. After completing his degree, Bachelor of Science at University of Peradeniya, he worked as lecturer for several leading higher educational institutions for about five years before joining ICBT. He also completed the Master of Science Degree in Computer Science of University of Peradeniya. He also completed PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education of Birmingham City University, UK.

Prabu is currently working as the Head of Faculty of Faculty of Information Technology and Science, ICBT Campus and has taught on a number of undergraduate and postgraduate modules at ICBT in various programs. He functions as module leader and internal verifier for some of the undergraduate programs. He currently teaches,

  • Advanced Programming
  • Cybersecurity and Cryptography
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Information Security
  • Research Methods

Moreover, he supervises undergraduate & postgraduate research projects. Prabu is also an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK). Prabu is a member of the Research Committee of ICBT Campus as well as member Technical Committee of ICBT Annual International Research Symposium. He is also a member of the reviewer panel of AIRS. Besides, he is Chair of the Faculty board and Program Development Committee of Faculty of IT and Science. He is a member of the Senate of ICBT Campus.


Prabu’s research interests are Digital Transformation in Education, Technology Adoption, Information Security, Emerging Trends in IT.


Journal Publications

~ Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors on The Purchase Decision Of Three-Wheeler Customers, Kapila Senavirathna, Prabu Premkumar, International Journal of Advanced Research,Vol. 7(10), 2019 ISSN: 2320-5407


~ A Study of Employee Perceptions of Outsourcing of Information Technology Operations In Banking Sector, Amila Bandarawatta , Prabu Premkumar, International Journal of Advanced Research,Vol. 7(2), 2019,pp 6-14, ISSN: 2320-5407


~ The Work-Life Balance of Medical Officers at Teaching Hospital Kandy, Sri Lanka,   Jayaseelan A.J.P, Premkumar P.P, Journal of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Vol.6 2018,pp. 107-120, ISSN 2279-214 


~ An Empirical Investigation of factors affecting Student Satisfaction: A case study of a Sri Lankan Private Higher Educational Institute, Sooriyabandara W.M.S.L.H, Premkumar P.P, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, Vol. 4, 2017, pp. 54-73 ISSN 2357–268X online


~ Online Internal Verification System for Edexcel HND Programs, Premkumar P.P, Kodituwakku S, M Sc Dissertation, Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya,2010, URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2062


Conference Proceedings

~ Explore the Client Non-Acceptance to Childhood Vaccination: A Case Study in Poojapitiya Area, Issadeen A, Premkumar P.P, 4th Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS), December 9th 2021, International College of Business and Technology, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation)


~ Augmented Reality based Mobile Application for Secondary School Students, Pushpamalar R, Premkumar P.P, 4th Annual International Research Symposium (AIRS), December 9th 2021, International College of Business and Technology, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation)


~ Factors Influencing Smartphone Usage for Academic Purposes by Undergraduate Students, Fernando Y, Premkumar P.P, 19th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), December 5th 2018, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation)


~ Impact of Service Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction: With special reference to Public Banking Sector in Kandy City, Sumanadasa G.S.P, Premkumar P.P, 19th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), December 5th 2018, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation)


~ A Study of Employee Perceptions of Outsourcing of Information Technology Operations in Banking Sector, Amila Bandarawatta, Prabu Premkumar, 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers-2018 (ICMR-2018),October 23-25th 2018, Faculty of Management Studies  Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation)


~ The Work-Life Balance of Medical Officers at Teaching Hospital Kandy, Sri Lanka,   Jayaseelan A.J.P, Premkumar P.P, 18th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), December 8th 2017, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation) 


~ An Empirical Investigation of factors affecting Student Satisfaction: A case study of a Sri Lankan Private Higher Educational Institute, Sooriyabandara W.M.S.L.H, Premkumar P.P, 4th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS), September 21-22 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Oral Presentation) ISBN: 978-955-4903-78-4


Call: (+94) 772 985382

Email: prabu@icbtcampus.edu.lk

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