The research employed quantitative and correlational research method. Main data sources were 95 respondents participated in filling the survey instrument of 59 questions from ABC Company (Pvt) Ltd who participated in projects. Quantitative data analysis techniques such as correlation analyses and regression analysis were conducted, and presented in chapter 4. Null hypothesis (H10, H20, H30, H40) were rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1a, H2a, H3a, H4a) were accepted. The data analyses revealed that the success of the project is highly corelated, R=0.769. Adjusted R2 is 0.573 which revealed that 57.3 % of the project success is due to project planning, knowledge integration, risk management, project management effectiveness. Project management effectiveness is backed by sub-factors such as organization culture, organization structure, leadership style, technical competency and project manager competence. The research concludes that these selected factors has considerable effect on the project success, but other measures may be required to fully explain the overall success of the telecom projects.